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The Writing Center is closed for Spring Break. Tutoring will resume as usual on March 31. 

We offer free one-on-one tutoring. You can work on writing for any of your courses, or other writing, such as resumes or personal statements.

You can work with a tutor in-person in our lovely space in 105 Grant Hall, or you can work with us virtually online. 

What to expect when you visit?

  • You and the tutor will have a friendly, back-and-forth conversation.
  • Together, you will decide what is most important to focus on for your 50-minute appointment.         
  • It’s OK to come with no writing!  Just bring some ideas or be ready to talk about the assignment. 
  • Tutors provide options and share their own writing. Final decisions about your writing remain with you, the author.

Have a Quick Question? Drop in M-F from 11:00am-2:00pm. Drop-in appointments are up to 20 minutes. 

If we are full, try our WAITING LIST.
People using the Writing Center are expected to be mutually respectful. See more about expectations here
Questions? email us at writingcenter@uic.edu or, during our open hours, call 312-413-2206